
Griefer Bait

My little girl seems to attract griefers for some reason. It probably comes down to being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I can't help but sympathize with her. She doesn't bring this stuff on herself in any way, it just happens.

Last night, after supper, she played SoT for about 30-45 minutes. After logging in and running around the outpost to collect supplies, she noticed another sloop sailing towards the docks. Once in range, the sloop proceeded to shell her boat. Hoping to avoid a confrontation, she scuttled her ship and went up to the tavern to wait for the guy to leave.

Long story short, he didn't leave. In fact, he anchored his sloop next to her mermaid and camped the spot with his eye of reach (ie, sniper rifle). Whenever she'd come out to see if he was gone, or to try and get to her mermaid, he'd shoot at her. Eventually he shot and killed her.

What the hell kind of sociopathic crap is that? It's not enough to sink someone's sloop before they've even left the dock, but you have to make sure you kill them, too?

I don't think my daughter gets too upset over these things. She's come to accept the possibility, but she doesn't enjoy it when it becomes the reality. She eventually respawned at a small island, then (just to see if she could) swam to another island she saw in the distance (killing two sharks on the way). After that, she went back to her ship and sailed to the secret island at N10 to explore.

I played for about an hour, myself. I managed to complete a profitable Merchant Alliance voyage (thank God for gold snakes!). It took me the whole hour, though, because I couldn't find chickens anywhere. I eventually turned in my snakes just to avoid losing them to some random dweeb before canvassing several islands for poultry products. Eventually I found the birds, but it took more time than I would've liked.



Weekend Retrospective

I doubt I'll ever go back to my detailed logs, but I do have some anecdotes to share from this past weekend.

I had a couple of fairly positive encounters that didn't end in immediate death for me. In both instances, I'm certain I would've been attacked and killed had I not spoken up prior to the first shots being fired. That said, once the dialogue started in both cases, things were pretty laid back.

In the first instance, I was bringing in a load of chickens and snakes to the Merchant Alliance at one outpost or another. As I was docking, I noticed a couple of mermaids in the water. I'd seen a couple of sloops in the area earlier, so I figured maybe there were some castaways waiting in ambush for anyone foolish enough to drop anchor.

FinessingOnHer, J2D2S2, and Otar311 rocking out.
I'm not sure how correct I was, but after turning in my first snake, three fellows came rushing down the dock towards me with cutlasses at the ready. I told them I was turning in a Merchant Alliance voyage and that I had nothing of value. Though only one of them (Otar311) could talk to me for some weird technical reason, he was laid back and acted as a translator of sorts for the group.

The three had met earlier when one of them had been killed by the other two. While two of them were on the Ferry of the damned, he said, "I guess that means you don't want my help with the raid." Eventually, though, they got together and worked to take out the skeletons and had just returned to turn in their loot before logging out. They marveled at my snakes and we chatted a little bit.

The next encounter had a similar genesis, as I was docking at an outpost to turn in some additional livestock to the Merchant Alliance. I'd seen a galleon near the outpost previously and I waited for it to leave before heading over to complete my voyage. As I was unloading, I heard a child's voice - a boy, probably around 8 years old - saying, "His anchor's down. He's just sitting there. Should I use my sniper on him?" Checking the horizon, I could see the galleon coming back to the outpost.

I could hear other voices, fainter than the boy's, so I immediately began to reply. "Hey, guys. Guys? I'm just trading in chickens and pigs here. I don't have anything worth taking."

DEZiR3 Allstar and TheKoesegPro (obscured).
At this point the boy, DEZiR3 Allstar, leapt from the galleon and swam to my ship. "I'm coming aboard!" he said. "Don't kill me!" As he climbs aboard, he pulls out his blunderbuss and points it at me.

"Don't you kill me," I replied. "I have a Seafarer's Chest in the hold if you guys want it. Everything else is chickens and pigs."

The apparent leader of the crew, TheKoesegPro, told everyone to let me turn in my stuff as DEZiR3 grabbed the aforementioned chest and ran off to sell it. The rest of the crew helped me unload my ship, leaving the animals on the dock near the Merchant Alliance rep.

As they told it, they were prepping to raid a skeleton fort and asked me if I'd like to join them in my sloop. I thanked them for the offer but replied in the negative, letting them know I was focused on Merchant Alliance quests. KoesegPro even sent me a friend request before calling his crew back to their ship.

They started to pull out to sea. I could hear DEZiR3 (still louder on his mic than the rest) asking, "Want me to go back and kill him?"

I spoke up. "You know I can hear you, right?" which was punctuated by laughter from the rest of the crew as if to say, "Oh, that DEZiR3! Such a funny kid!" They went on their merry way and that was that.

My snake collection.
While I was having such positive encounters with other members of the community, my kids were having different experiences. My daughter was ganked for the first time, much to her chagrin. She had nothing of value aboard her sloop, but while she was on the Ferry of the Damned, waiting to respawn, her killer took all of her bananas.

Upon discovering her sudden lack of bananas, she exclaimed, "He stole my bananas! What a douchebag! I mean, what kind of person does that?" She complained long and loud about it, wondering aloud why people have to ruin other peoples' fun. I reminded her that it was just bananas and that she should be grateful.

In other news, I discovered an island at N10 that doesn't appear on the map. It was small and I didn't find anything interesting there. Maybe I should have looked harder, I don't know. I'll go back and check it out again later, just to be sure.

The latest patch dropped yesterday. I'm ambivalent about it, though I like the thought of new cosmetic items. I'm not real keen on having the items distributed between different outposts, but I can understand what Rare is going for. I still think stuff is either far too expensive, or that gold rewards are far too low. That's just the way it is, I guess.



Revenge is Sweet

Once again I went sailing, and once again I decided just to do my thing and not worry too much about the minute details of my voyage. I decided to do more Merchant Alliance missions, and my first was to locate and catch four chickens (a white, a gold, and two red-speckled). When I started out, I had no idea how long a process this was going to be.

I went to a number of islands and found no chickens, but I did manage to secure three more chicken coops and a pig crate. Eventually I ended up sailing to Smuggler's Bay, which was crawling with livestock. Only thing is, it was also crawling with skeletons.

As I sailed into the bay, a skeleton on the hillside began shooting a cannon at my ship. I leapt out, ran up the hill, and broke the skeleton up into pieces, but by the time I got back to my ship, it had been sunk. I swam out into the bay and got all my coops and cages back, making a nice little pile on the beach.

In order to save myself the trouble later, I captured the chickens I needed and left them behind while I went to my mermaid in order to get to my replacement ship. It wasn't too far off from Smuggler's Bay, so I set course and figured I'd have it all wrapped up within a few minutes. Wrong.

"Can't we just get along? Hmm?"
I passed near a sloop en route to Smuggler's Bay and its intrepid captain decided to chase me. Not really wanting to deal with a hostile encounter, I proceeded to wave at the guy. Afterwards, I put my sails up and slowed down while he pulled up alongside.

We had a brief conversation (which, in the video, is terribly one-sided, as only his voice was recorded). However, it went something like this:

Me: Hey there. I don't have any loot. I'm just looking for chickens.
island3r 808: Chickens? Fried chickens?
Me: Any kind of chicken, really.
island3r 808: This a merchant quest?
Me: Yep.
island3r 808: Lookin' for some krakens.
Me: Not sure Krakens spawn for sloops. I could be wrong.

At this point he begins to behave erratically, swinging his sword about.

Me: Well, I'm going to go ahead and get my chickens now. See you later.
island3r 808: Alright, have a good night.

I see he's moved down to his cannon, and I figured there was a high chance he was going to shoot me. But I also figured I needed to give him the benefit of the doubt, right? I mean... maybe he's just making sure I'm not going to mess with him.

But no. This fellow ("island3r 808") appeals to his baser childlike instincts and shoots me with a cannon just as I begin to weigh anchor. Needless to say, I die.

After a few seconds aboard the Ferry of the Damned (my home away from home), I return to my ship. He'd shot it a few more times, likely boarded to confirm I didn't have anything worth taking, and was sailing away. I patched the many holes in my ship and bailed out the water before raising my anchor and continuing on my merry way.

This dweeb wasn't done with me, though. I guess continuing to follow me around and shoot at me was more fun than, well, just about anything else he could've been doing with his time. He knew I had nothing of value, so I can only assume he was being a jerk.

I decided to take a pot shot at him with my eye of reach. I know I didn't hit him, but it did incentivize him to shoot his cannon at me a few more times. Not one to sit idly by, I took up my own cannon and returned fire. To my sincere surprise, I received the "I Don't See Your Ship" achievement. And there his sloop was, sinking rather quickly into the sea.

All my aggravation at being griefed turned to amusement. He'd gotten exactly what was coming to him. Suddenly there was a God.

In summation, I returned to Smuggler's Bay and picked up my chickens. I left the extra coops behind, as it was late, and delivered the birds. I'd also found a message in a bottle along the way - a single map with five or six Xs on it - so I located the island and dug those bad boys up before heading off to my hammock for the night.

I count the evening a success, overall. My attempts to interact peacefully with another player came to nothing, though he did lose his virtual life in the process.



I'm Getting Tired of This

Last night I went sailing, but I didn't bother to jot anything down. I figured I'd just relax and see how things worked out. The murder rate was rather high again, and I accomplished absolutely nothing as a result. I ended up leaving the game due to being aggravated, but I can't blame my mood solely on Sea of Thieves. After all, I was grumpy in general and that never helps things.

In short, I decided to run a few Merchant Alliance voyages. They're generally pretty straightforward, and if they call for gold animals they can be incredibly profitable. The first voyage called for two black chickens, which is simple enough. I weighed anchor and sailed from island to island, finding no chickens anywhere.

When I finally did find an island with chickens, I dropped anchor, did a quick scan of the horizon, and waded ashore. Some skeletons spawned (and, oddly, kept spawning) which distracted me from the task at hand. As I ran to and fro on the beach hacking skeletons to bits, a galleon with fancy paint, sails, and figurehead pulled up next to my sloop and let fly a deadly broadside.

Not only did these blasts hit my boat, but they also hit me. Between damage sustained fighting skeletons and the cannon blasts, I found myself aboard the Ferry of the Damned pretty quickly. Returning to my ship on respawn, I discovered a pirate steering my sloop. What is it with these people?

I gave him a dose of my blunderbuss, but he survived. He drew his sword and, leaping around like a marine kangaroo, killed me. I found myself aboard the Ferry of the Damned once more. When I respawned, it was on a distant island with a new boat. Obviously, my sloop had been sunk and my chicken cages lost, forcing me to abandon my search for black chickens.

I certainly hope the galleon's crew had fun, because I thought the whole experience sucked. I'd hate to think they might've been disappointed by finding nothing aboard my ship worth stealing.

After abandoning the Merchant Alliance voyage, I figured I'd hunt for treasure with a Gold Hoarder voyage. It ended up with four maps, which I quickly identified and marked on my map. I headed west and dropped anchor near the first location. It was a small island and the treasure (a Seafarer's Chest) was easily located.

After I'd placed the treasure aboard my ship, I noticed another sloop heading my way. I dropped sails, weighed anchor, and was on my way as quick as can be. The other sloop fired a cannon at me, hitting once and knocking a hole in the back of my ship. I adjusted sails and ran away as best I could, but the other sloop decided to follow me.

This lasted quite a while, with me trying to outdistance the sloop. I did put some space between us, but it didn't last. Up ahead a storm was brewing, so I steered in that direction. Maybe I could lose them in the storm. With little else left to do, I grabbed an eye of reach (a sniper rifle, for all intents and purposes) and started taking pot shots at the other boat's crew.

I don't know if I hit anyone (I doubt it), but they must've had a crack shot aboard. The guy handily picked me off despite the rolling waves, rain, and distance.

After an obligatory wait aboard the Ferry of Souls, I returned to my sloop. Someone from the other ship was aboard, and they'd dropped my anchor, grabbed the piddly little Seafarer's Chest I'd found, and were in the process of returning to their own ship which pulled off and left me with a few cannon shots to remember them by. I patched the holes and bailed the water, then gave chase.

I can only assume I followed them because I was irked at losing the only thing of value I'd found in nearly an hour's play time. Maybe I could roll up on them while they docked at a nearby outpost and give a few of their cannonballs back to them, or I could sneak onto the island, find them, and chop them up. Neither plan was realized. I found myself watching them weigh anchor and head back out to sea from the beach of the outpost.

It was at this point I decided I wasn't really in the mood for Sea of Thieves any longer. Playing the game solo is hard enough, but when everyone out there is out for your blood, it makes it even more difficult. I don't think I'll be throwing in the towel just yet, but I'm moving in that direction.



Merchant Alliance Quiet Time

Outside of one or two distant sloops (it might have been the same one twice; I never go close enough to find out who these people are), this was a fairly uneventful session. It was also fairly profitable.

I'm beginning to prefer Merchant Alliance voyages, primarily because they tend to pay fairly well at the higher levels. That, and requests for gold animals are incredibly lucrative when I can get them. By voyage's end, I got a bunch of gold and increased my reputation with the Merchant Alliance.

Here's my captain's log with all the boring details.

Sanctuary Outpost spawn-in.
Starting/Ending Rep - GH 23/23, OS 20/20, MA 20/21
Starting/Ending Gold: 35,596/41,609
Gold Earned: 6,013g

Snakes and Pigs: A Merchant Trader Voyage
"An amiable order from the prominent Mr. Abel"
This Abel fellow wants 2 black scaled snakes, 1 pink & black spotted pig, and 2 black coated pigs. Must deliver the critters to the Golden Sands Outpost by 11am on the 29th.Current date is the 23rd, so I see no trouble with this plan.

Travel to Lone Cove and search for animals. Find two black-coated pigs (671g & 542g), a black and pink spotted pig, and two black scaled snakes (894g & 898g). Also found a gunpowder barrel (187g).

In case you didn't know, snakes are a-holes. They spray you (or anything else around them, including pigs and chickens) with venom. This not only does damage, but it makes you nearly blind for a short period of time.

The risks inherent in shirling can be rather painful.
I'm sure everyone knows this, but catching snakes requires a bit of work. When you find the snake you want, you need to get one of your musical instruments and play music for it until it hunkers down. Then you can grab your basket and scoop it up. But wait, there's more! As you carry the occupied snake basket, the little jerk wakes up. If you don't drop the basket and play another ditty, the snake sprays venom into your face. Even if you drop the basket, there's still a chance you'll get the venom treatment.

Incidentally, this reminds me of an old Kids in the Hall sketch about the sport of shirling. Suffice it to say, it involves a pissed off snake atop a barrel and a bunch of idiots chained together around it. Something tells me that with a little work, we could probably shirl in Sea of Thieves.

Sorry for the digression. Shall we continue?

So I get back to my boat with the last pig, and as I'm standing there taking notes for this very blog, two skeletons with pistols spawn on the nearby beach, see me, and gun me down. Thanks to the damage taken from my reptilian pals' venom, the bone twins gun me down in a single volley.
I respawn after a few moments and weigh anchor, but that's not the last time those damn snakes inconvenience me. No, sir.

I notice too late that the snake I've placed in the hold has been magically spraying venom up through the forward deck at the pink and black spotted pig. At least, that's the only way I can reconcile the pig's death since I'd been feeding it regularly. To prevent further poisoned porcine casualties, I move the black pigs back away from the forward deck.

I spot a sloop anchored near Lonely Isle and there appears to be a storm brewing, so I decide to head to Golden Sands Outpost and deliver the animals. While sailing, I see a shipwreck off Cannon Cove. I drop anchor nearby and check the previously mentioned sloop. It's sailing away, so I decide to dive on the wreck of the Bloody Death. In the process, I recover a Hateful Bounty skull (678g), a Marauders Chest (283g), and a Crate of rare tea (367g).

After plundering the wreck, I go to Golden Sands to deliver my remaining animals and sell the loot I found. Afterward, I decide to find another pink and black spotted pig. I head south to the Lagoon of Whispers, but find no pigs.

There is, however, a shipwreck nearby. Turns out to be the wreck of the Hangman's Hate. I'm fairly certain I've encountered this same wreck at some point in the past. I always figured the names were generated in some kind of procedural fashion -- and they may be -- but I expected there to me more variety.

Meet the new pig. Same as the old pig.
So I dive and find a Foul Bounty Skull (168g), a message in a bottle (first time finding one of these in a wreck), a crate of fine sugar (131g), a Castaways Chest (96), and a Disgraced Bounty Skull (311g).

Still need that pink and black spotted pig, so I decided to check Mermaid's Hideaway for bacon. While there, I find a new pink and black pig (448g) and return with it to Golden Sands. While there I sell my loot and buy a new Merchant Alliance voyage from Mavis for 80g.

Incidentally, the message in a bottle contained a map of Crescent Isle with one X marked on it. It's close, so I head over there and find a Seafarers Chest (234g) and a gunpowder barrel (185g). I consider exploring the rest of the island in more detail, but I spot a sloop to the northeast. I don't want to deal with someone else, so I weigh anchor, go back to Golden Sands, and sell the chest.



Lunch Cruise

I've never tried SoT on PC (I only play on XBox at home), so I decided to try it out at work over lunch today. I didn't take any voyages, I just sailed around to familiarize myself with the interface and looked for incidental loot to scavenge. Here's my log.

Sanctuary Outpost spawn-in.
Starting/Ending Rep - GH 23/23, OS 20/20, MA 20/20
Starting/Ending Gold: 34,785/35,596
Gold Earned: 811g

Lunch Cruise
First time playing on PC. No voyage, just going to sail around. Decide to check small islands for incidental loot, so I sail to Lonely Isle.

Find a chicken crate on Lonely Isle. Nothing else of interest (not even chickens).

Next, proceed to Rum Runner Isle. Nothing there, either. Maybe a larger island will bring more luck. Going to run around Cannon Cove.
XILEDxBATMAN, Prince Among Dweebs

Locate three gunpowder barrels on Cannon Cove, stow them in crow's nest for return to outpost. Also locate a banana crate on the beach and begin to fill it up.

As I'm running around looking for bananas, I come across some skeletons. Before I can do anything, a fellow named XILEDxBATMAN runs in and breaks 'em down into their basic osseous components. He explained he was looking for chickens and asked if I'd seen any. I directed him down to the beach and he went his merry way.

Before leaving, I gave him chicken coop I'd found on Lonely Island. He was a swell dude. I asked him to pose for a picture and wished him luck.

Head to Rapier Cay to scrounge. Nothing there but skeletons.

Lunch is over and a storm is coming, so I head back to Sanctuary to sell my gunpowder (164g, 105g, and 106g). I fill the banana crate and sell it to Mollie for 436g.

Time to go back to work. Avast!

A Night of Murder

Last night I decided to play a little bit and it turned into a bloodbath. My estimation of the average player in Sea of Thieves has dropped several notches. These people are homicidal sociopaths.

Galleon's Grave Outpost spawn-in.
Starting/Ending Rep - GH 23/23, OS 20/20, MA 20/20
Starting/Ending Gold: 30,945/34,785
Gold Earned: 3,840g

An Evening on the Blood Red Sea: For the Gold Hoarders
"A prize raided by the prominent Cheat Daniels"
Consists of two riddle rhymes, one to the Sunken Grove and the other to the Crooked Masts.

Leave Galleon's Grave, spot shipwreck WNW and decide to check it out.

Coast is clear, dive on the wreck of the Hangman's Hate. Recover 2 Disgraced Bounty Skulls (291g, 337g), Villainous Bounty Skull (967g), and Marauders Chest (514g). Pretty good haul.

Return to Galleon's Grave to sell loot. Run aground like and idiot, patch hull. Sell stuff, buy voyage from Henry (80), grab more supplies.

Go to Sunken Grove. Run aground again. Guess it's not my night.

lotrmith, Consummate PvPer
Coast is clear, head to island and follow clues. Find pig crate. And then another. And a third. Sunken Grove is now known as Pig Crate Island. Also find a gunpowder barrel. Leave the last pig crate and the gunpowder on NW island for later pick up.

Find Captains Chest (786g) just sitting in a cave, not part of the riddle. This is good, because the four clues lead me to a crummy Seafarers Chest (256g). Guess that answers my questions about riddle length corresponding to loot value (apparently it does not).

Return to ship, swing around to NW island to get pig crate and gunpowder barrel. Set course back to Galleon's Grave to sell goods.

Arrive at Galleon's Grave, find banana Crate on beach. Sell loot, then raid all barrels on island for bananas. Fill crate and sell to Mandy for 427g. Not bad for bananas.

Galleon arrives to my port side as I pull out of the dock. A player, lotrmith, boards me as the galleon starts to shell my ship. I protest, "Hey, hey, hey! I don't have anything!" but he kills me, anyway.

Re-spawn into sinking ship, my gunpowder and pig crates floating nearby. Craving revenge, I get floating gunpowder barrel and swim towards galleon, intending to use barrel to destroy or cripple said ship. Intercepted by crew (Oceanrider) and killed again, though I got a few cuts in.

Of course, Oceanrider was defending her ship from my attempted demolition, but like as not was one of the individuals who shelled my sloop when lotrmith murdered me. She's as guilty as he is. To Davy Jones' locker for both of them!

After my second death, and without a ship to go back to, I respawn on Salty Sands. I spot a shipwreck to the SW. Might as well check it out given my distance from Crooked Masts. After a short jaunt, I arrive at the wreck of the Devil's Rage. Coast is clear so I dive, find a Seafarers Chest (213g) and a Foul bounty Skull (129g). Nothing else visible in wreck.

Set course for Crooked Masts by way of Daggertooth Outpost. Long way to go, but I like sailing so it's all good. When I arrive at Daggertooth, I notice a galleon in the distance on other side of the island. Wonder if it's the same group of dweebs that killed me earlier. Too distant to see their sails.

The Wreck of the Devil's Rage
Figure I should sell my stuff in a hurry, then sail to Crooked Masts. As I approach the island, I notice there's a galleon moored there. Sails are up so I can't tell if they're the guys from before. Instead of dropping anchor, I decide to check out Shark Tooth Key for incidental loots and supplies.

Find nothing but supplies and skeletons on Shark Tooth Key. I watch the galleon leave Crooked Masts, wait to see if they notice me. They seem to be moving off, so I head for the island. The galleon (the same one? Can't tell) is still out there.

Spend the next ten minutes running around Crooked Masts solving riddle clues. Get three out of four done before I notice a galleon off shore. It passes around the island, spots my sloop. I watch from shore as it turns sharply and rams my anchored ship. The crash is followed by a couple of cannon shots. I see people leaping into the water from the galleon.

The Galleon what Rammed My Anchored Sloop
I decide to sit down and wait for someone to find and kill me. No one comes. I find out why as both the galleon and my sloop begin to sail away -- they're stealing my ship. Typical.

My mermaid appears, so I dive down into the water and use it to return to my ship. As I spawn in my cabin, the dweeb who stole it (Trappin Dan) blows me away despite my attempts to engage him in conversation.

I respawn on my ship's deck, with Trappin Dan's back to me. Before I can attack him, he climbs the mainmast to the crow's nest. I pursue him, but he leaps down onto the cabin's awning. I don't even know if he's noticed me yet.

I jump to the yard arm, then onto the awning behind him. His back is still to me so I use my blunderbuss to turn him into fish food (and get rewarded with an achievement for my cowardly behavior). He dies and despawns. I look around and spot his galleon a ways off, sailing away.

Trappin Dan, Killer at Large
I'm unsure what the point of stealing someone's ship is given they can just respawn there. Good old Dan had spent time to repair the hull and bail the water out, so he obviously had something in mind.

As much as I would like to go back to Crooked Masts and solve the last riddle, it's way too late and I need to go to bed.

With each encounter I had with a player, I attempted to use voice chat to speak to them in the hope I could avoid further violence. In each case my attempts to parley made no difference at all. For whatever reason they found it more expedient just to kill me. In both cases, I carried no treasure and nothing of any real value, and they gained no profit from attacking me. It was not only a waste of their time, but of mine as well.

I can only assume these people are sociopaths.

I'm going to start a gallery of villains, killers, and thieves on this blog. Think of it as my personal dweeb collection. Hear that, guys? You're dweebs!


The Ballad of Captain Kidd

My great-grandmother had a book all about the folklore and legends of the USA, and it had a whole section on pirates. One of my favorite entries was the section of Captain Kidd, and this song was included in a sidebar. I still adore it all these years later.
Captain William Kidd (Art by Howard Pyle)


The Ballad Of Captain Kidd - Poem by Anonymous British

My name was William Kidd,
When I sailed,
When I sailed,
My name was William Kidd,
When I sailed,
My name was William Kidd,
God's laws I did forbid,
And so wickedly I did,
When I sailed,
When I sailed.

My parents taught me well,
When I sailed,
When I sailed,
My parents taught me well,
When I sailed,
My parents taught me well,
To shun the gates of hell,
But against them I rebelled,
When I sailed,
When I sailed.

I'd a Bible in my hand,
When I sailed,
When I sailed,
I'd a Bible in my hand,
When I sailed,
I'd a Bible in my hand,
By my father's great command,
And I sunk it in the sand,
When I sailed,
When I sailed.

I thought I was undone,
As I sailed,
As I sailed,
I thought I was undone,
When I sailed,
I thought I was undone,
And my wicked glass had run,
But health did soon return,
As I sailed,
As I sailed.

My repentance lasted not,
As I sailed,
As I sailed,
My repentance lasted not,
When I sailed,
My repentance lasted not,
My vows I soon forgot,
Damnation was my lot,
As I sailed,
As I sailed.

I spied three ships from France,
As I sailed,
As I sailed,
I spied three ships from France,
When I sailed,
I spied three ships from France,
To them I did advance,
And took them all by chance,
As I sailed,
As I sailed.

I spied three ships from Spain,
As I sailed,
As I sailed,
I spied three ships from Spain,
When I sailed,
I spied three ships from Spain,
I looted them for gain,
Till most of them were slain,
As I sailed,
As I sailed.

I'd ninety bars of gold,
As I sailed,
As I sailed,
I'd ninety bars of gold,
When I sailed,
I'd ninety bars of gold,
And dollars manifold,
With riches uncontrolled,
As I sailed,
As I sailed.

Thus being o'ertaken at last,
As I sailed,
As I sailed,
Thus being o'ertaken at last,
When I sailed,
Thus being o'ertaken at last,
And into prison cast,
And sentence being passed,
As I sailed,
As I sailed.

Farewell, the raging main,
I must die,
I must die,
Farewell, the raging main,
When I sailed,
Farewell, the raging main,
To Turkey, France, and Spain,
I shall never see you again,
For I must die,
For I must die.

To the execution dock,
I must go,
I must go,
To the execution dock,
I must go,
To the execution dock,
While many thousands flock,
But I must bear the shock,
And must die,
And must die.

Come all ye young and old,
See me die,
And see me die,
Come all ye young and old,
When I sailed,
Come all ye young and old,
You're welcome to my gold,
For by it I've lost my soul,
And must die,
And must die.

Take a warning now by me,
I must die,
I must die,
Take a warning now by me,
For I must die,
Take a warning now by me,
And shun bad company,
Let you come to hell with me,
For I must die,
For I must die.


Morning Voyage

For some unknown reason, I got up an hour early today. Instead of going back to sleep, I decided to see how much Sea of Thieves I could get in before leaving for work. Turns out it wasn't a whole lot, but it passed the time.

Two line poem = crummy booty?
Dagger Tooth Outpost spawn-in.
Starting/Ending Rep - GH 23/23, OS 20/20, MA 20/20
Starting/Ending Gold: 29,873/30,945
Gold Earned: 1,072g

Irresponsible Morning Voyage: For the Gold Hoarders
"A bonanza buried by the prominent Nastalie Ober"
First chapter of the voyage consists of a map of the Isle of Last Words and a rhyme sending me to Shipwreck Bay.

Traveled to the Isle of Last Words and dug up a Captain's Chest (576g) and a Marauder's Chest (475g). Decide to return to Daggertooth to sell chests, but the rewards seem pretty paltry. I also buy a new voyage from Horace (-80g).

Head to Shipwreck Bay to puzzle out riddle. Rude-ass skeletons shoot cannons at me on approach, suffer hit to starboard side. Drop anchor under cover, patch the ship's newest porthole with a plank of wood.

Venture to island and follow the riddle's instructions. Locate the spot, dig up a Castaways Chest (101g). Mediocre! I wonder if the length of the poem/clue relates to the value of the discovery? This was a two-line rhyme and an incredibly crappy chest.

The Blackwych's mainmast.
The first two parts complete, two more maps appear for the "Final Chapter," but I'm out if time.

Return to Dagger Tooth, sell Castaway's Chest.

No one else was around in the morning. The dweebs must all be in bed. Or working. Or in school. Or prison. Take your pick.

That's all, folks. Avast!